Explode Your Amazon Sales with a Professional Kindle Cover

If you want to sell your ebook on Amazon you are in the right place.

As you might know Amazon has certain requirements for the book covers. Ignore them, and you're in trouble when you will try to upload your ebook to Amazon.

Let me help you with a creative cover design that meets their requirements and watch your sales increase.

Bombshell Booty
Blueberry Muffins
Sexual Dreams Busted

Are Kindle Covers a necessity?

I am sure you had noticed that the first thing a potential customer sees in Kindle Store is the cover of your ebook. Get a professional Kindle cover now and increase your sales!

If you find yourself doubting the importance of your cover, a helpful statistic to keep in mind is that 30% of book sales are impulse buys. I'd imagine most of the rest are by customers who've read the writer's previous titles. Unfortunately, that means most of the time the first impulse that comes into play is seeing a thumbnail, a title, and (hopefully) a positive rating, and deciding to click on it because one of those two things looks interesting. Ironically, cover art is probably far more important for an unknown writer.

If you really can't afford a custom made cover for Kindle, you can visit our premade covers collection and get a professionally designed cover at a reduced price.

Request your Kindle Cover quote now!

Book Cover
Hey Ovi!

I don't know if it is converting since I decided to make my website 100% free and you get my free e-book when you sign-up!

I definately think it is making it look A LOT more professional!

And I loved your service, will be coming back if I need anything!


Recent Kindle Covers We Have Created:

Sexual Dreams Busted Bombshell Booty Blueberry Muffins

Yes Ovi! Tell Me More
About Your Kindle Covers!

I understand that professional Kindle Covers will help me increase my conversion ratio so here are my details and questions:

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Or, you can find out how much your Kindle Cover will cost!